Hotel in Rimini

next to the sea

Hotel in Rimini

next to the sea

Hotel in Rimini

next to the sea

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Saludecio can be reached by climbing up the Valconca and while entering through the ancient door, visitors bump into a city centre rich in palaces and sacred building dating back to various époques. The Roman domination and the Medieval Era are both witnessed, together with the presence of the Malatesta family, which ruled throughout three centuries, starting from the XII century A.D. During this thriving period, the town was renovated and gained a medieval asset composed by narrow streets surrounded by the city walls. Saludecio ended under the rule of Federico da Montefeltro who, after a while, trusted the Papal State with the city itself.

Both the parish church of San Biagio and the sacred place dedicated to Beato Amato Ronconi hosts works of art by the painter Guido Cagnacci and other local artists. The Museo d’Arte Sacra forms part of the complex as well as The Olmo Chapel which hosts a centuries-old tree which is said to be related to a Ronconi’s miracle.
If you are interested in spending an unordinary evening far away from the noise, we suggest a visit to the Niccolò Copernico Astronomic Observatory. The two-hours guided visit will give visitors the opportunity to learn about the night sky; and thank to the telescope, they will be able to admire the stars and the other bodies.
Every year Saluserbe takes place in Saludecio around the 25 April. This festival is mainly addressed to those keen on herbal medicine, biological agriculture and natural medicine.

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